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Say 3 things you are grateful for
Why did the pilgrims leave the UK? -better weather -religious freedom -they were bored -better food
religious freedom
What happens on Black friday?
discounts, fights, deals, buying, etc.
What other country celebrates Thanksgiving? - UK - CANADA - AUSTRALIA - JAPAN
What food did the native americans show the pilgrims how to harvest?
What's the most popular flavor pie?
Name TWO Thanksgiving side dishes? Not turkey or pie
stuffing, mac and cheese, mashed potatotes salad, bread, cranberry sauce, .... etc
How many days was the first Thanksgiving? - 3 - 7 -14 -0
TruE Or fALse: We put gravy on turkey?
TRUE OR FALSE: the UK also celebrates Thanksgiving
How many people go to the Macys Day Parade? - 3.5 million - 10 million - 10 thousand - 100 thousand
3.5 million
What's the name of the Thanksgiving parade?
Macys Day Parade
How much does the heaviest turkey weigh? - 12 kg - 23 kg - 39 kg -51 kg
39 kg
What's this called?
Cranberry sauce/cranberries
What Football team ALWAYS plays on thanksgiving? - Dallas Cowboys -LA Lakers -NY Jets -Philadelphia 76ers
Dallas COwboys
What day of the week do we celebrate Thanksgiving?
True or False: Pilgrims were the 1st people in America
FALSE!!! Native americans
What was the name of the Native American chief?
chief Squanto
When is Black Friday?
the day after Thanksgiving
What was the name of the Pilgrims ship/boat?
Where in the USA did the Pilgrims go? - NYC - Chicago - Pennsylvania - Plymouth
How many pies are eaten on Thanksgiving? -10 million -50 mill -100 mill -500 mil
50 million
What group of people traveled from the UK to the USA in 1620?