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Elijah at Mount Carmel

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After the contest, who is proven to be the one true God?
The Lord God
King Ahab
What contest did Elijah set up to show who was the one true God?
Answered prayer by sending fire from heaven
Answered prayer by sending rain
A loud voice from the heavens
A sign from God written on the ground
How did Elijah set up his altar to show that God alone is the one true God?
He thoroughly soaked the wood
He built it up as high as he could
He danced around it for hours
He cut out love hearts and place them on the altar
Who did the other prophets and Ahab worshipped?
How did the people respond after seeing what happened to Elijah's offering?
All of the above
Fell face down
Proclaimed the Lord is God
Turned back to God
What did Elijah dig around his offering?
A trench
A hole
A grave
A tunnel
What did God send from the heavens onto Elijah's offering?
Ice Cream
How many years did the people not see rain?
Why did God send Elijah?
All of the above
To teach God's people his word
To teach people how to follow God's way
To tell people to turn back to God
Why wasn't King Ahab a good king?
He worshipped other gods
He wasn't friends with Elijah
He didn't like to "move it move it"
He had many wives
Which king did we learn about today?
King Ahab
King Elijah
King Prophet
King Julien