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Thanksgiving Trivia for Kids

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What fruit was used by Native Americans to treat wounds and dye cloth: apples, oranges, cranberries?
What Christmas song was originally written as a Thanksgiving song: Feliz Navidad, White Christmas, or Jingle Bells?
Jingle Bells
How long have turkeys been in America: 500 years ago, 10,000 years ago, or 10 million years ago?
Turkey fossils have been found showing that turkeys have been in America for 10 million years.
What vegetable is a popular symbol of Thanksgiving: corn, green beans, potatoes?
How fast can a wild turkey run: 10 mph, 20 mph, 40 mph?
20 mph
How many turkeys do Americans eat each Thanksgiving: 4 million, 14 million, 46 million?
46 million
Which utensil was not used at the first Thanksgiving feast: forks, spoons, knives?
About how many pumpkin pies are eaten on Thanksgiving Day: 1 million, 5 million, or 50 million?
50 million
Which U.S. president made Thanksgiving a national holiday: Obama, Roosevelt, Lincoln?
Abraham Lincoln
What animal does the President of the United States grant a pardon to every November?
When did the first Thanksgiving take place: 1650, 1621, 1700?
True or False: Eating turkey makes you tired.
False. Tryptophan will make rats sleepy but not enough to make people sleepy.
Why did the town of Colchester, Connecticut cancel Thanksgiving one year?
There was not enough molasses to make pumpkin pie.
Why is the Friday after Thanksgiving called "Black Friday?"
The Philadelphia Police Department called it that to persuade people not to go out shopping.
What sport is usually played during Thanksgiving?
True or False: Thanksgiving has always been the last week of November?
False. In 1939, it was moved the 3rd week for 2 years.
What was missing from the first Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade?
Where was the first Thanksgiving in the United States?
Plymouth, MA
How many days did the first Thanksgiving last?
3 days
What food was not at the first Thanksgiving: fish, deer, or turkey?