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Molise, Campania, Puglia & Basilicata

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Which sea does Basilicata border?
Ionian Sea
Which region has a higher density - Molise or Basilicata? How do you know?
Molise - 69in/km2 Basilicata 56in/km2
Name four rivers in Basilicata
Basentello Bradano Basento Cavone Agri Sinni
Which region has a larger primary sector - Basilicata or Puglia? What is the difference?
Basilicata - 11%, Puglia 10% so Basilicata is 1% bigger.
What is the name of the active volcano in Campania and when was its most famous explosion?
Mount Vesuvius, 79 CE
Name two problems that Campania has
Camorra Unemployment Toxic Waste Bad infrastructure Poverty
Name the five major cities of Campania
Napoli, Avellino, Benevento, Caserta, Salerno.
What is the density of Campania? What does this tell you about the region?
426inhab/km2 That people live very close to each other compared to other regions.
Name the four regions that border Molise
Puglia, Campania, Lazio and Abruzzo
What year did Molise become its own region?
What is the second biggest city in Molise?
Name the two major rivers in Molise
Trigno and Biferno
What is the size of the primary sector of Puglia? What does that tell you about the region?
10% - that they produce a lot of primary products, such as salt, eggs and vegetables.
Name the part of Puglia that produces a lot of salt
The Margherita di Savoia saline
What is the nickname of Puglia?
The heel of Italy
What percentage of mountains does Puglia have?