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NSG123 Module 12: Rheumatology

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which 3 labs are important to monitor with Methotrexate treatment?
Kidney Labs, Liver Labs, CBC
Monoclonal antibody treatment halts the production of unnecessary antibodies and decreases disease activity in SLE. True or False?
SLE is related to an over production of antibodies by T-Cells. True or False?
False. Bcells over produce antibodies
The renal system may be commonly involved with SLE. True or False?
True- Lupus Nephritis
The GI tract is commonly involved in patients with SLE. True or False?
A patient with SLE may experience a dry, patchy rash across their body? True or False
A patient with SLE may experience a malar rash. True or False?
A patient with SLE may experience photosensitivity. True or False ?
Your patient is prescribed Entanercept (enbrel). You should instruct them to hold the medication if they develop a fever. True or False?
The goal of DMARD therapy is to prevent inflammation and joint damage. True or False?
Celecoxib is used to treat RA. True or False?
False- used to treat SYMPTOMS of RA
The best activity options for patients with RA is jogging. True or False?
False- too much stress on the joints
Patients with RA may may have problems sleeping. Because of this we advise they limit caffeinated beverages after lunch. True or False?
Due to the severe joint pain associated with RA, it is recommended to the patient to limit mobility. True or False?
False- mobility helps decrease the pain
Your patient has SLE and is prescribed corticosteroids. Long-term corticosteroid use can lead to _____.
Which lab test is considered (most) diagnostic for RA?
Anti-CCP (Antibodies to Cyclic Citrullinated Peptide)