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Division Review
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Which partial quotients could be added to find 396 ÷ 12?
Answers may vary. 30 + 3
A tire company paid $4,992 for 64 tires. What expression is a good estimate for the cost of each tire using compatible numbers?
$4,800 ÷ 60
Kris is setting up tables for an awards banquet. Each table seats 16 people. What is the fewest number of tables Kris needs to set up for 132 people?
An orange grove has 858 trees. There are 33 rows, each with the same number of trees. How many trees are in each row?
Fulton Gardens buys 6,300 flower bulbs. If 70 bulbs can be planted in each flower bed, how many flower beds are needed to plant all the bulbs?
A theater has 384 seats. Each row has 16 seats. The area model represents this situation. What is the value of x in the area model?
When dividing 744 ÷ 40, the first digit of the quotient will be in the _____ place.
What is the best estimate of 572 ÷ 28?
The answer to a division problem is the
The part that is left when you divide into equal groups is called the
One way to estimate the answer to a division problem is to replace the divisor and dividend with
compatible numbers