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English World 5 Unit 3 Tunnels and Bridges
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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are these?
They're thick rods.
What's this?
It's a moving belt.
What do engineers use to build tunnels deep under the surface?
They use TBM - Tunnel Boring Machine
What joins England and France?
It's the Chunnel - a railway tunnel under the English Channel.
What is the longest road tunnel in the world?
It's the tunnel in Norway, it's 24.5 km long.
Why do people build tunnels and bridges?
Because they make our journeys quicker.
Where do tunnels go?
They go under mountains and under water.
What methods do people use to build tunnels noit deep from the surface?
They use cut and cover methods.
Why do people build arch bridges?
Because an arch is a very strong shape.
What is a long beam bridge supported by?
It's supported by piers at each end.
What is the simplest type of bridge?
It's a beam bridge.
What is a suspension bridge supported by?
It's supported by strong cables and tall towers.
What type of bridge is it?
It's a suspension bridge.
What type of bridge is it?
It's a beam bridge.
What type of bridge is it?
It's an arch bridge.
What is the hen walking on?
It's walking on concrete.
What have they broken?
They've broken a tube.
What's this?
It's a tunnel.
What's his job?
He's an engineer.
Where are they standing?
They're standing in a trench.
What machine is it?
It's a truck/lorry.
What machine is it?
It's a tunnel boring machine.
What machine is it?
It's a concrete-miver.
What machine is it?
It's a digger.
What machine is it?
It's a bulldozer.
What machine is it?
It's a crane.