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8.2 Money & shopping vocabulary

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Say the following date - 23/11/21
the twenty third of November, twenty twenty-one (23rd November, 2021)
Say the following year - "1999"
nineteen nighty-nine
Say the following number - "8, 314, 299"
eight million, three hundred and fourteen thousand, two hundred and ninety-nine
What is a 'discount'?
a reduction in price
What is a 'budget'?
a plan for how much money you will spend
Use the following word in a sentence - "afford"
For example: I can't afford a new computer.
What is a synonym for "consumer"?
customer, buyer, shopper, purchaser
What is a synonym for "purchase"?
What is one disadvantage of shopping online?
Student's own opinion
What is one advantage of shopping online?
Student's own opinion
Use the following word in a sentence - "pay"
For example: You can pay by cash or credit card. / Helen paid for the tickets.
What is the past simple for "pay"?
What is "shoplifting"?
the crime of stealing things from a shop
Think of a synonym for "money".
cash, funds, dollars
Use the following word in a sentence - "spend"
For example: I spent too much money on the weekend!
Use the following word in a sentence - "cost"
For example: The shoes cost $150. (verb) / The cost of living is increasing. (noun)
What is the past simple for "buy"?
What is the past simple for "spend"?