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Science 5 1st Final exam 2020-2021 review

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Mimicry and camouflage are examples of ______ adaptations? (Behavioral or structural)
structural - these are physical characteristics!
Complete the quote related to states of matter: "Put __ in a cup, it becomes the cup. Put __ in a bottle, it becomes the bottle. Now, __ can flow or it can crash. Be __, my friend."
water (if you answer liquid, it's OK)
Choose the best words: When a solid melts, there is an (increase/ decrease) in energy, and the particles move (faster/ slower)
There is an INCREASE in energy, and particles move FASTER
Which state of matter has the least moving particles?
Heat expansion - when an iron bar is heated, it's length increases. Which picture (A or B) demonstrates heat expansion?
Picture A. Distance between particles increase when matter is heated
Which two states of matter in the drawing have fixed VOLUME? (Hint: volume measured in liters)
solid and liquid
Which state of matter (see drawing) has the most energetic/ fastest moving particles?
What is the name of the process that occurs when a liquid turns into a gas?
evaporation / boiling / vaporisation
3 syringes (see pic) are filled with a solid, liquid, and gas. Which syringe will be the hardest to press/ push down?
Syringe filled with a solid
How does this physical structural help the moth to survive?
The moth mimics the owl to scare away would be predators
How does hibernation help organisms to survive?
Conserves energy or food; saves body heat
The toad, crocodile fish, and horned lizard are examples of mimicry or camouflage?
Camouflage (to blend in with surroundings)
Which of the polar bear's adaptations help it survive in cold temperatures?
Adaptations A and C
These animals are all adapted to live in ____ environments
Very cold
If leaves are used to capture sunlight for photosynthesis, which plants are adapted to live in places with little sunlight
Plant B (large leaves to get as much sun as possible)
When animals move into a different environment (ex. to avoid winter), this is called ____
(Guess the word) The body of a penguin is s----------d to help it swim fast
The radicle starts to come out of the seed at this stage of the plant lifecycle
At which stage of the plant life cycle is it best to pick ripe strawberries for eating? (pick fertilisation, growth, seed formation)
Seed formation (fruit and seeds fully formed)?
To which part of the flower should pollen be transferred for pollination to occur?
To the stigma
How does a flower’s scent and bright colour help in plant reproduction?
Scent and colour attract insects that help in pollination
After fertilisation, if the ovules turn into seeds, the ovary becomes the ____
The pollen meets the ovule in pollination or fertilisation
In this stage of the plant lifecycle, pollen is brought to the stigma of a flower by wind or insects
Which stage of the life cycle of the cherry plant does it produce flowers?
during reproduction. Remember, flowers are the reproductive organs of plants!
How are these seeds dispersed?
By water/ floating on water
How are these seeds dispersed?
By explosion
How are the seeds of these berries dispersed?
Being eaten by animals
Parrots like to eat marigold seeds. How do parrots help disperse marigold seeds?
Parrots eat the seeds and defecate (poop) in distant places
Which seed dispersal method does this seed use (impatiens)?
By explosion
Describe how this seed is dispersed
The hooks stick to the fur of animals
What process is happening in the picture
Seed Dispersal
Which seeds are dispersed by wind?
Seeds A & E