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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Kāore he pai ki ahau te poitarawhiti
I don't like netball
He pai ki a koe ki te kaukau?
Do you like to swim?
He pai ki a koe ki te oma?
Do you like to run?
He pai ki a koe te kanikani?
Do you like to dance?
Ko Te Kura o Ngā Taiohine taku kura
I go to Diocesan Girls School
Kei Tāmaki Makaurau taku kura
My school is in Auckland
Kei Manurewa taku kāinga
I live in Manurewa
tekau mā whā oku tau
I am 14 years old
Ko Moana taku tino kiriata
Moana is my favourite film
Ko Hunger games taku tino kiriata
My favourite film is Hunger Games
he pai ki ahau ngā kiriata mātātoa
I like watching adventure films
Kāore he pai ki ahau ki te tākaro ki runga rorohiko
I don't like playing on the computer
He pai ki ahau ki te mātakitaki pouaka whakaata
I like watching television
He pai ki ahau ki te haere ki te hī ika
I like going fishing
Kāore he pai ki ahau ki te pānui kōmeke
I don't like reading comics
Kāore he pai ki ahau ki te haere ki te hokohoko
I don't like shopping
He pai ki ahau ki te haere ki te whare pikitia
I like going to the movies
He pai ki ahau ngā kiriata aroha
I like romance films
Ka takaro netiporo ahau mō taku kura
I play netball for my school
Ka piki toka ahau
I do rock climbing
He pai ake te kaipara i te kaukau
Athletics is better than swimming
He pai ake te ruku i te eke ngaru
Diving is better than surfing
He pai ki ahau ki te kanikani
I like to dance
Ka takaro poirewa mō taku kura
I play volleyball for my school
Ka takaro tēnihi ahau mō taku kura
I play tennis for my school
He pai ki ahau ki te takaro poikiri
I like to play soccer