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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Kei te oma rātou
They are running
Kei te kanikani rātou
They are dancing
Ka haere mātou ki Ahitereiria mā runga waka rererangi
We are going to Australia by plane
Kei Tāmaki rātou e noho ana
They live in Auckland
Tekau mā waru ōna tau
He/she is 18 years old
Ko Matiu Walters taku tino kaiwaiata
Matiu Walters I my favourite singer
I te kaukau ahau
I swam
Ko Ipu taku whānau
Ipu is my family name
Ko Mereana taku māmā
Mereana is my mum
Ko Tereina taku teina
Tereina is my little sister
I te hikoi ahau ki ngā toa
I walked to the shops
Ka rawe ngā hararei!
The holidays are awesome!
E kaingākau ana au ki ngā hākinakina katoa
I like/enjoy all sports
I ngā wā o te hararei ka haere mātou ki Tauranga
During the holidays we go to Tauranga
ko ahau te mataamua o te whānau
I am the eldest born of the family
ka takaro poirewa ahau
I play volleyball
Ka takaro whutuporo ahau
I play football
Tokorima ngā tamariki
There are five children
Tokowhā o mātou
There are four of us
Rua tekau mā tahi ōku tau
I am 21 years old
Tekau mā whā ōku tau
I am 14 years old
Nō Rotorua ahau
I am from Rotorua
Kei Manukau ahau e noho ana
I live in Manukau
Kei Takapuna taku kura
My school is in Takapuna
Ko te Kura o Uenuku taku kura
I go to Rainbow School
Kei te haere ia mā runga motuka
He/she is going by car
I te haere ahau ki te moana
I went to the ocean
Kei te haere ia ki te kura mā runga pahi
He/she is going to school by bus
Kei te aha koe?
What are you doing?
Kei hea koe?
Where are you?
Ka haere koe ki hea?
Where are you going?
I te haere mātou ki Waiheke mā runga waka
We went to Waiheke by boat
Finish this sentence... Kia tau, kia...
tātou katoa
I te haere mātou ki te konohete o Beyonce
We went to Beyonce's concert
I te haere mātou ki Tāhuna
We went to Queenstown
Kei te haere ia ki te puna wai
He/she is going to the pool
Kei te haere ahau ki te kura
I am going to school