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Past Progressive Questions

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Change into question: When you called me last night, I was studying for the test.
What were you doing when I called you last night?
Change into question: We found some old photographs while we were tidying the room.
What did you find when you were tidying your room?
Change into question: When my mum came home, my sister was sleeping.
What was your sister doing when your mum came home?
Change into question: While she was writing an email, her computer turned off.
What happened while she was writing an email on her computer?
Change into question: I saw an accident while I was waiting for the bus stop.
What did you see while you were waiting for the bus stop?
Change into question: The students were doing exercise when the bell rang.
What were the students doing when the bell rang?
.........Tyler........ with the cooking? (to help)
Was Tyler helping with the cooking?
....... the friends ......... home from school? (to come)
Were the friends coming home from school?
.........he......... judo? (to do)
Was he doing judo?
..........the girl.........the window? (to open)
Was the girl opening the window?
..........Emma and Bertha.......... their friend? (to phone)
Were Emma and Bertha phoning their friend.
.......... Nicolas......... at a picture? (to look)
Was Nicolas looking at a picture?
.........you.......... to music? (to listen)
Were you listening to music?
Melissa out a book? (to take)
Was Melissa taking out a book?
........they.......... the bike? (to repair)
Were they repairing the bike?
........ Ashley.......... on the computer? (to work)
Was Ashley working on the computer?