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Science thst studies changes in population
People who live in one country and emigrate to another, normally in search of work.
Internacional migration
When people who live in one place and emigrate to another in the same country, normally in search of work.
Internal migration
What does "Spain's population is ageing" mean?
greater number of elderly people and fewer children in our country.
Why has life expectancy increased?
Because of better health and medicine.
Spanish population is ageing. This is due to...
Decrease in birth rate and increase in life expectancy
A woman carrying a child in their body before the baby's birth.
The number of years a person is expected to live when they are born.
Life expectancy
In a village, if six babies are born and two people die, what is the natural growth?
Number of babies that are born in a place in a specific period.
Birth rate
A person who comes to live in another country.
A person who goes to live in another country
What happens in a country that has negative natural growth and high levels of emigration?
The population decreases.
How do we calculate the real growth of a territory?
By the sum of natural growth and net migration