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Kid´s Box 3 unit 2

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What number is this?
What number is this?
What number is this?
What number is this?
He is sitting/having a break.
He is having a break.
They are going/carry up in a lift.
They are going up in a lift.
They are carry/sitting on a sofa.
sitting on a sofa
She is going/taking upstairs.
going upstairs
Address in spanish means
la dirección
She wants to write her address on the letter. She needs a _______
A pen
You want to carry your books and pencils to school. You need a __________.
A bag
What is this?
It´s a lift
¨Home¨in spanish means...
What are they carrying?
They´re carrying a sofa.
What is he carrying?
He´s carrying books.
What is she doing?
She´s walking.
There is or there are two bedrooms?
There are two bedrooms
Short form of ït has got¨
It´s got
Short form of Ï have got¨
I´ve got
Short form of ¨We have got¨
We´ve got
How many bedrooms has the house got?
It´s got two bedrooms.
What is this?
It´s a basement
What is this?
It´s a balcony
What is this?
This is a town.
What is this?
This is a city
How many houses are on the street?
There are two houses.
Where is the woman?
Where are the children playing?
On the street
Where is the man?
What is this?
It´s a flat
What is this?
It´s a house