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English IB/ID Mid-Semester Review
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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is a compliment?
When you say something nice about someone.
What kinds of clothes do you like? (ANSWER and ADD)
Example: "I like shoes. I have about ten pairs!"
What is he wearing?
A striped shirt, a red hat, etc.
What pattern is this?
What do you have to say to get candy on Halloween?
"Trick or treat!"
How many calories are in a Big Mac?
About 560
About 700
About 300
About 850
Which noun is UNCOUNTABLE?
"I'm allergic to ______________"
What is a good luck charm from Ireland?
Four-leaf clover, horse shoe, etc.
"I went to Daikanyama last weekend!" (Ask a FOLLOW-UP QUESTION)
Example: "What did you do there?
The past tense of "meet" is...?
What did you do for summer vacation? (see image)
"I went scuba diving."
What did you do last weekend?
"Last weekend, I..."
Do you want to go to karaoke this Sunday? (see image)
"I'm sorry, I..."
A) "I don't like horror movies." B) "____________. They're boring."
Me neither
Me either
Me too
I do, too
Tell me 1) something you like, 2) something that's OK, 3) something you don't like.
What are two important life skills?
painting, cooking, cleaning, baking, etc.
Is English class easy or difficult for you? (ANSWER and ADD)
It's... because...
Can you ___________ the guitar?
Do you know how to _________ a computer?
How was your summer vacation?
It was _____________________.
I dropped my phone on the train tracks yesterday!
Wow, really? That's terrible!
That's fantastic!
How terrifying!
You're joking!
AAA = ???
What are the six basic Wh- question words?
Who, What, When, Where, Why, How
What's a good question to ask when you first meet someone?
Any appropriate Wh- question