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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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We have enough products … (make) lasagna.
We have enough products to make lasagna.
The doctor advised me … (go) on a diet.
The doctor advised me to go on a diet.
I’m asking you … (bake) a fancy cake for my aunt’s birthday. Please.
I’m asking you to bake a fancy cake for my aunt’s birthday. Please.
I appreciate you … (come in) today to check up on me.
I appreciate you coming in today to check up on me.
Alex’s looking forward … (help) you cook carbonara for dinner!
Alex’s looking forward to helping you cook carbonara for dinner!
How about … (try) out something new?
How about trying out something new?
I promised … (go) grocery shopping with her.
I promised to go grocery shopping with her.
It’s too easy … (follow) the recipe! It’s a piece of cake.
It’s too easy to follow the recipe! It’s a piece of cake.
It’s worth … (spend) 30£ on this cake, it’s delicious!
It’s worth spending 30£ on this cake, it’s delicious!
I don’t mind … (cook) fish, if that’s what you want.
I don’t mind cooking fish, if that’s what you want.
Do you remember … (turn) the oven off?
Do you remember turning the oven off?
You should avoid … (eat) junk food this often.
You should avoid eating junk food this often.
… (eat) vegetables is a healthy habit.
Eating vegetables is a healthy habit.
Let’s … (make) some ham sandwiches.
Let’s make some ham sandwiches.
There’s nothing … (eat). Let’s go grocery shopping.
There’s nothing to eat. Let’s go grocery shopping.
I like … (drink) coffee in the morning.
I like drinking coffee in the morning.
What will you … (buy) for Susie’s birthday?
What will you buy for Susie’s birthday?