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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name 8 rooms and parts of the house
bedroom, bathroom, living room, kitchen, garden, roof, entrance, balcony...
Name 8 jobs
nurse, firefighter, dentist, actor, teacher, waiter, police officer, pilot, photographer...
Name 7 musical instruments
guitar, piano, drums, cello, violin, saxophone, trumpet, flute...
Name 8 sports
basketball, volleyball, football, baseball, gymnastics, athletics, swimming, cycling...
Name 7 items of clothing
pants, t-shirt, shoes, trainers, hat, cap, coat, jacket...
Name 7 school subjects
English, ICT, P.E., maths, drama, art, geography, history...
Name 8 words from Unit 2
pot, carpet, cooker, cushion, electricity, fire, fridge, shelf...
Name 6 electronic devices
laptop, phone, computer, tablet, kettle, game console...
Name 8 emotions
happy, sad, angry, hungry, tired, thirsty, bored, dizzy, excited...
Name 9 wild animals
tiger, lion, elephant, snake, lizard, hippo, giraffe, monkey...
Name 5 ways of transportation
bus, plane, train, boat, scooter, motorbike, bicycle...
Name 6 kinds of weather
sunny, cloudy, rainy, foggy, hot, cold, stormy...
Name 7 words from Unit 1
post office, stamp, envelope, letter, postbox, postcard, bury, magazine, object...
Name 6 places in town
hospital, park, museum, school, restaurant, castle...
Name 7 vegetables
tomato, cucumber, lettuce, courgette, pepper, eggplant, potato, onion...