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Alien Game FFM

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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It's really big and it swims in the sea. It sounds like 'tail'.
a whale
It has no legs and makes a noise like 'sssss'. It sounds like 'cake'.
a snake
It lives in the sea. I'm frightened of it! It sounds like 'park'.
a shark
It sings and sometimes lives in a cage. It sounds like 'word'.
a bird
This is under your head and above your shoulders.
a neck
This is hair on a man's face. It's under his mouth.
a moustache
You can wear these on your feet inside your shoes.
This is like a very long jacket which you can wear outside.
a coat
In cold weather, you can wear this round your neck.
a scarf
It eats grass. It sounds like 'now'.
a cow
It's green and it jumps very well. It sounds like 'dog'.
a frog
It's always hungry and it has a little beard. It sounds like 'boat'.
a goat
It's very small and it eats cheese. It sounds like 'house'.
a mouse
It's small, black and yellow and it can fly. It sounds like 'me'.
a bee