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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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(Game) I want to colour the US (only the states) map with Yellow, Green, Red and Blue. I was wondering what would be the lowest number of states with the colour of Green.
Explain the rules
(Eng - Ru) Other national symbols of the USA include: National animal: American Bison, National tree: Oak Tree, National bird: Bald Eagle, National Flower: Rose
What a neat work!
(Video) The anthem of the USA is called 'Star-Spangled banner' and the lyrics are based on a poem by Francis Scott Key in 1814. Watch it!
The Star-Spangled Banner (с англ. — «Знамя, усыпанное звёздами») https://youtu.be/oU_UEVp2ynU
(Speak) You must speak about ____ for at least 60 seconds. GO!
American trucks
(Speak) You must speak about ____ for at least 60 seconds. GO!
(True or False?) The capital city of the USA is called Washington D.C.
True! D.C. stands for District of Columbia. Washington D.C. has about 7.5 million inhabitants.
(Eng - Ru) The largest U.S. state by land area is Alaska. Alaska is a bit more than twice the size of Texas and four times the size of California.
I’m speechless!
(Riddle) Where does today come before yesterday?
The dictionary
(Riddle) What invention lets you look right through a wall?
A window
(Riddle) You walk into a room that contains a match, a kerosene lamp, a candle and a fireplace. What would you light first?
The match
(Riddle) What has to be broken before you can use it?
An egg
(Game) 50 State Word Search
That’s right!
(Game) The Secret Word
That’s it!
(Eng - Ru) Longest river of the USA: Missouri River with 3,767 km/ 2,341 miles. The Missouri River flows through seven states of the USA: Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas and Missouri.
Good for you!
(True or False?) George Washington (1732 - 1799): first president of the USA
(Speak) You must speak about ____ for at least 60 seconds. GO!
Tom and Jerry cartoon
(True or False?) Bubble gum was introduced in USA in 1928.
True! Bubble gum was introduced in PHILADELPHIA in 1928 where it was invented by a 23-year-old named Walter Diemer (1905-1998).
(Speak) You must speak about ____ for at least 60 seconds. GO! Hamburgers
(True or False?) George Washington: film producer 'Cinderella' and founder of the Disney theme parks
False! Walt Disney (1901 - 1966): film producer 'Cinderella' and founder of the Disney theme parks
(True or False?) The president of the USA resides in the White House building
True! The president resides in the White House building where there are also the offices of the president since 1800.
(Eng - Ru) The first president of the USA was George Washington. He was elected in 1789. Presidential elections are held every four years since 1792. Joe Biden, born in 1942, is the 46th president of the USA.
I’m impressed!
(Eng - Ru) Largest city in the USA is New York with almost 8.4 million inhabitants is the USA's biggest city.
You got it right!
(Eng - Ru) The USA is the third largest country in the world. The USA are smaller than Russia or Canada, but larger than China, if all territories as well as coastal and territorial waters are included.
 Keep up the great work!
(Eng - Ru) The motto of the USA is "In God We Trust".
That’s really nice work!
(Eng - Ru) The national flag of the USA has 13 stripes and 50 white stars on blue background. 
Nice going!