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Cooking methods

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To cook meat or poultry slowly over coals on a spit or in the oven, food is usually marinated with spices and tenderizes before it is cooked.
cooking foods in hot fat or oil
covering small pieces of food with liquid and simmering until done
Food is completely submerged in water for even heat distribution.
a dry-heat cooking method that heats food by surrounding it with hot, dry air in a closed environment or on a spit over an open fire; similar to baking, the term is usually applied to meats, poultry and vegetables
A rapid cooking method that uses high heat from a source located above the food.
a dry-heat cooking method in which foods are cooked by heat radiating from a source located below the cooking surface; the heat can be generated by electricity or by burning gas, hardwood, or hardwood charcoals
Cooking food in the steam from boiling water.
cook (food) by dry heat without direct exposure to a flame, typically in an oven or on a hot surface.