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18th century Europe

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Name 3 political and socia legacies of the Fench Revolution (things that we still have today)
Constitutions, liberalism, declarations of rights, new nation states, etc
Who was Maximilien Robespierre?
French Jacobin leader that became dictator in 1793 and ruled during the Reign of Terror
Who was Prince Metternich?
Austrian Foreign Minister that played a leading role in the COngress of VIenna
Who became First COnsul of France in 1799?
Napoleon Bonaparte
Who was George Washington?
The first US President
What was the German COnfederation?
As association of 39 independent states in the German territory
The word "Reich" in German means ___
Who were the main figures of German unification?
King Wihelm I of Prussia and Bismark
Who were the main figures of Italian unification?
King Vittorio EManuele I, Prime Minister Cavour, Giuseppe Garibaldi and Giuseppe Verdi
Around 1860 in Italy, who were the red shirts?
The revolutionary forces of Giuseppe Garibaldi who helped take control of Naples and Sicily
Who was Giuseppe Verdi and what role did he play in the unification of Italy?
An Italian composer; his opera Nabucco became a symbol of unification
True or false: Liberalism and national movements were part of the COnservative Order.
False, they challenged it.
What does Liberté, egalité, fraternité mean?
Liberty, equality, brotherhood
What was the motto of the French Revolution?
Liberté, egalité, fraternité
What were the principles behind the COnservative Order?
An attempt by the great European Powers to re-establish tradition, order and obedience to authority through Monarchy, internationalism and congresses
Which countries formed the Holy Alliance in 1814?
originally Prussia, Russia and Austria, and later Britain and France
What was the Congress of VIenna of 1814?
A meeting of great European powers in an attempt to ensure peace and avoid new revolutions
In what year did the Spanish War of Independence begin?
Name at least 3 symbols of the French Revolution
The Phrygian cap, the cock, Marianne, La Marsellaise, tricolor flag, the guillotine
What was the Reign of Terror?
A ten-month period of violent suppression in 1973 in France. Nearly 50,000 people were executed during this time.
Briefly explain the differences between the Girondins and Jacobins
The Girondins were moderate Republicans; the Jacobins were radical revolutionaries that established a dictatorship and ruled during the Reign of Terror