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NSG123 Module 13: Fluid and Acid/Base Balance

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are 2 important chemical buffers (acid-base balance)?
Phosphate ions and ammonia (regulated in kidneys)
pH is an indicator of _____ concentration.
hydrogen ion
Lungs can help compensate for metabolic acidosis. What would you expect to see in this patient (resp rate)?
Elevated Respiratory Rate (acid=high CO2; more resp clear mor CO2)
Your patient has ascites. You instruct them to measure their weight once every ___.
A patient arrives to the ER and is hypotensive and hypovolemic. What IV fluid should be given first?
0.9% NS (isotonic) to help increase BP and volume- then can adjust fluid as needed.
Signs of Fluid Volume Excess include ___ BP, lung _____, ____ resp rate, ______ urine specific gravity.
High, Crackles, High, Low
Signs of Fluid Volume Deficit include ____ BP, ____ HR, _____ urine specific gravity.
Low, High, High
The hematocrit level for a patient with fluid volume excess could be (high or low)?
Low (Normal: 35-49%)
A low sodium diet may be ordered for a patient experiencing fluid volume _____.
A BUN level of 27 could be seen in a patient with fluid volume _____.
What is a normal BUN level?
Diarrhea can put the patient at risk for fluid volume ______.
Heart Failure can put the patient at risk for fluid volume _____.
Third degree burns with IV fluid replacement can put the patient at risk for fluid volume _____.
What is a normal body pH level?
Which type of solution will make a cell swell?
Which type of solution will make a cell shrink?