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JS6-U56-D11-ONL-Review When Cultures Meet

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What are some reasons that the Europeans left the meat to rot rather than eating it?
No time or space to bring home on horseback, or they don't care
Why raising sheep and goat in the Southwest was easier?
They suited for the climate as they eat dry, tough plants
How did horse help the Navajo in wars?
They could strike and leave swiftly
Before Indians had horses, what are some reasons for them to live near the river?
To catch fish, get water easier, to water and grow eatable plants
How did horses affect trade?
Horses gave Native Americans the ability to travel farther and carry more goods than they could on foot.
How did having horses affect the way the Plains Indians hunted and lived?
Because buffalo were so much easier to kill, they became a much bigger part of life for the Plains Indians. They became year-round buffalo hunters and moved whe
List some methods the Plains Indians used to hunt buffalo before horses?
Wore animal skin and snuck up to the herd, forced the buffalo off a cliff, and light a fire around the herd.
How horses changed the Navajo way of life? Summarize in three short sentences
Before the Navajo had horses, they traveled, fought, and hunted on foot. Once they had horses, they could do all these things on horseback
What helped the Native American learn to become skilled riders?
Unlike the settlers, Native Americans did not have riding equipment. Because they learned to ride without these things, they became very skilled riders.
Settlers taught the Pueblo Indians how to raise animals to help them learn valuable skills. True or false?
False - Spanish settlers forced the Pueblo Indians to work for them. Part of that work included taking care of animals.
According to the chart, which two non-native animals did Native Americans raise for their coats?
Native Americans raised both goats and sheep for their wool. The wool was used to make material for items, such as blankets.
Why did the number of buffalo in the North American Plains shrink so much?
Settlers killed so many buffalo for sport, by 1889, the U.S. buffalo population had shrunk from 50 million to only 1,000.
According to the chart, what use did the Native Americans and Europeans have in common for the turkey?
Both settlers and Native Americans used turkey meat for food. In fact, turkeys even became a popular food in Europe.
Which of the following best describes the Native American method of planting called "hilling"?
Native Americans made rows of hills in which they planted their seeds in the ground. This method helped protect the seeds from birds.
Why was learning about native foods so important to settlers when they arrived in the Americas?
Native foods, such as corn, gave settlers something to eat while they waited for their own crops to grow.
Columbus met people already living in the Americas when he arrived. This is an example of contact between Columbus and Native Americans. True or false?
TRUE - "Contact" is the act of meeting. When Columbus arrived, he met, or came into contact with, Native Americans.