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Some of the companies clearly UNDERREPORT (ACCOUNTING, FINANCE)/ He UNDER-REPORTED his income by $548,000. (US, TAX)
say tht u have done, earned, sold, etc., less thn u really hv/ Record tht u hv earned less thn u really hv on ur tax return
People are regarded as UNDERSAVERS if the ratio of their incomes after and before retirement is below a certain threshold.
a person who does not save enough money for their retirement
The bank now has more than 1m account holders and DEPOSITS of around £1.7bn=> I've got £5,000 ON DEPOSIT in the bank (Money tht is on deposit is saved in a bank o ST similar)
the total amount f money tht has been paid into a particular bank,o into the banks in a particular place(BANKING, ECONOMICS)=>
To open an account, you need to make a minimum DEPOSIT of $500/ They asked us to put down a DEPOSIT/ Landlords will usually require a DEPOSIT (An amount f money tht u pay when u rent st,& is returned t u when u return the thing u hv rented)
a payment,esp into a bank account/ An amount f money tht u pay as the first part f the total payment fo st/ (PROPERTY)
I DEPOSITED £500 in my account this morning/ (Pay SB an amount f money when u make an agreement w tht person t pay fo o buy st,tht either will b returned t u later, if the agreed arrangement is kept,o tht forms part f the total payment)
put ST valuable,esp money, in a bank o safe)/ You DEPOSIT 20 percent now and pay the rest when the car is delivered.
The flood waters fell, DEPOSITING mud over the whole area=> The flood left a thick DEPOSIT of mud over the entire ground floor of the house/ Mineral/oil/coal DEPOSITS (GEOLOGY)
leave ST somewhere=> A substance o layer tht is left,usu after a liquid is removed/A layer tht has formed under the ground,esp over a long period
Car dealers are WRINGING THEIR HANDS over low sales this summer.
If you wring your hands, you show that you are worried or unhappy
Congress is seeking to WRING concessions FROM a weakened President. (WRING STH FROM/OUT OF SB)
force or persuade someone to give or tell you something
WRING/ She WRUNG OUT the shirt and hung it out to dry. (Twist a cloth or piece of clothing with your hands to remove water from it)
hold something tightly with both hands and twist it by turning your hands in opposite directions
He is the epitome of a POACHER TURNED GAMEKEEPER. Once commander of the whaling station, he now devotes his energy to saving the whale and other marine life of the area.
someone whose behaviour is now the same as that he or she previously opposed
Rival brokers have been sniffing around in a bid to POACH TALENT (HR)
persuade very able and skilled employees from another organization to come and work for you
Jeff always POACHES my ideas, and then pretends that they're his own/ They were furious when one of their best managers was POACHED by another company=> POACHING (N)
Take & use fo urself unfairly o dishonestly ST,usu an idea,tht belongs t SB else/ Persuade SB who works fo SB else t come & work fo u
We had POACHED eggs for breakfast/ The farmer claimed that he shot the men because they were POACHING on his land.
cook ST suchas a fish,o an egg w its shell removed,by puttin it in gently boilin water o other liquid/Catch & kill animals wo permission on SB else's land
FLUID movements/ The military situation is still very FLUID/ It might be made of a soft or FLUID substance=> FLUIDITY
smooth & continuous/ If situations, ideas, o plans r fluid, they r nt fixed & r likely t change,often repeatedly & unexpectedly/ Not solid, & flowing easily
If you have a fever you should drink plenty of FLUIDS/ Dr. Tay says I need rest and lots of FLUIDS
a substance tht flows & is nt solid/ Fluids are liquids that you drink: (MEDICAL)
a CIRCULAR flowerbed/tablecloth/ CIRCULAR=> CIRCULARS and other junk mail go straight in the bin=> I'd see a stone with just the right qualities of flatness, CIRCULARITY, and weight/ The CIRCULARITY of political arguments
shaped like a circle/ A circular argument is one tht keeps returnin t the same points & is nt effective=> A letter o notice sent t a large number f ppl
He's a classic NORDIC type - tall with blond hair and blue eyes.
belonging to or relating to Scandinavia, Finland, or Iceland
a DIY enthusiast, A DIY project
do-it-yourself: the activity of decorating or repairing your home, or making things for your home yourself, rather than paying someone else to do it for you
Try and imagine a perfect society, a UTOPIA, in which the government really got everything right=> A UTOPIAN vision
a perfect society in which ppl work well w each other & r happy=> Relatin t o aimin fo a perfect society in which everyone works well w each other & is happy
a very bad or unfair society in which there is a lot of suffering, especially an imaginary society in the future, after something terrible has happened; a description of such a society
The film is set in 2700 on an uninhabitable Earth, a DYSTOPIA covered in towers of garbage=> DYSTOPIAN movies
used to say to someone that they have made you feel angry or embarrassed
When the credit crunch STARTED TO BITE, many smaller firms were forced out of business. Sales will slow as interest rates BEGIN TO BITE
start to have a bad effect on something
a famous person, especially a politician, who is supported and praised by people in the area they come from
a kind and EMPATHETIC friend, Programmes training doctors to be EMPATHETIC=> He loves children and has a certain EMPATHY with them=> It's very easy to EMPATHIZE WITH the characters in her books.
Havin the ability t imagine how SB else feels=>...=> B able t understand how SB else feels
With his feet tied together he could only move in little HOPS=> Rio to São Paulo is just A SHORT HOP by plane (IFML)
A short jump by a person on one foot, o by a small animal, bird,o insect on all o 2 f its feet at the same time=> B a short distance,esp by plane
I tried to HOP ON my good foot while holding onto Jim/ I HOPPED ON the bus at the traffic lights/ (If a small animal, bird,o insect hops,it moves by jumpin on all o 2 f its feet at the same time)
Jump on one foot o t move abt in this way/ Go somewhere quickly o t get into o out f a vehicle quickly/ The rabbit/bird HOPPED across the grass.
A suspect has been DETAINED by the police for questioning/ I'm sorry I'm late - I was unavoidably DETAINED=> A political DETAINEE (A person who has been officially ordered t stay in a prison o similar place,esp fo political reasons)
Force SB officially t stay in a place/ Delay SB fo a short length f time=>
These people are in DIRE need of help. He gave a DIRE warning that an earthquake was imminent. This decision will have DIRE consequences for local people.
very serious or extreme
It's the political SILLY SEASON, and this policy is a very silly idea which seems more about public relations than solutions.
a period of time when people do or say things that are not sensible or serious
(IFML) You're being a SILLY BILLY, now stop it.
a silly person, especially a child
Blood was trickling down the horse's neck and he helped lead the WILD-EYED animal back to the stables.
having an expression in the eyes of fear, anger, panic (= fear that prevents reasonable thought and action), or insanity (= serious mental illness)
We hoped that they would be found safe and uninjured, but secretly we FEARED THE WORST
think something unpleasant might have happened
Three hours have been ALLOTED TO/FOR this task. They ALLOTED a separate desk TO everyone=> ] There are huge differences in the ALLOTMENT of highway funds around the state.
Give st, esp a share of st available, fo a particular purpose
He's good at DEVISING language games that you can play with students in class/ I hereby give, DEVISE, and bequeath to my daughter Eva $10,000 (DEVISE STH TO SB) (LAW)=> He made specific DEVISES of various items of furniture 
Invent a plan,system,object,etc,usu usin ur intelligence o imagination/Leave SB money or property in a will=>Property given t SB in a will
He has all the latest statistics AT HIS FINGERTIPS
If you have information at your fingertips, you can get it and use it very easily
The cannon can be linked to the LINE OF SIGHT of the gunner so that it points in the same direction that he is looking in.
the direction in which a person must look in order to see a particular object
watch carefully for someone or something
We had a week away in the sun and it's DONE US both A WORLD OF GOOD
make someone feel much healthier or happier
to do something kind that helps someone else
I hadn't slept for two days and was completely SPACED OUT (SLANG) (SPACEY, SPACY)
Someone who is spaced out is not completely conscious of what is happening, often because of taking drugs or needing to sleep
Rosa's face LIT UP when she saw the dog/ When I’d say there was a letter for him you could see his eyes LIGHT UP/ LIGHT UP
Look happy/ Make ST bright o shiny/ Start ST burning
(FML) His reputation, he said, had been unfairly SULLIED by half-truths and innuendos/ No speck of dirt had ever SULLIED his hands.
Spoil ST that is pure o SB's perfect reputation/ Make ST dirty
In the past 10 years, gross income has increased by 22% IN REAL TERMS. Total expenditure will rise IN REAL TERMS by 3.3% a year.
used to describe the real level or amount of something, when you consider all the things that affect it, especially inflation
He's ON EXCELLENT TERMS WITH all of the sales staff. (Be on good/bad/excellent terms (with sb))
Have a good, etc. relationship with sb
I think he's still COMING TO TERMS WITH the death of his wife.
Gradually accept a sad situation, often the death of SB you love
(FML) The matters to which a study or report is limited
All companies will compete for the government contract ON EQUAL TERMS
having the same rights, treatment, etc.
TERMS of employment, UNDER THE TERMS OF their contract, employees must give three months' notice if they leave. This competition is only open to UK residents. TERMS and conditions apply.
the conditions that control an agreement, arrangement, or activity
He complained IN THE STRONGEST TERMS. She spoke of his achievements IN glowing TERMS (= in a very approving way).
using language that clearly shows your feelings (IN STRONG, ETC TERMS)
She told him what she thought of his behaviour IN NO UNCERTAIN TERMS (= she made her disapproval very clear).
in a very clear way
(a particular set of) the words, music, and actions used in ceremonies in some religions, especially Christianity
"ODE TO a Nightingale" and "ODE ON a Grecian Urn" are poems by Keats. (LITERATURE)
a poem expressing the writer's thoughts and feelings about a particular person or subject, usually written to that person or subject
We were COLD-CALLED by a company offering savings on our phone bill. In this job, you have to be prepared to COLD-CALL
call or visit a possible customer to try to sell them something without being asked by the customer to do so
a simple HEAT MAP of the world showing public debt per capita
a picture or map that uses colours to show different levels of an activity, or values of something in different places
Detailed HEAT MAPS of the lunar surface revealed the south pole is warmer than previously thought.
a picture of an area, body, or object that shows the temperature of different parts as different colours
COMPUTER-AIDED training/instruction/learning, COMPUTER-AIDED design/engineering/manufacture
using a computer as a tool to do a job or learn a skill (IT)
A company is able to charge its BOOK DEBTS as security for a loan. (ACCOUNTING)
money that a company has not yet received from customers who owe it money, as recorded in the company's accounts
They believe that abortion should be available ON DEMAND. The heat-controlled implant delivers insulin ON DEMAND=> ON-DEMAND (A)
at any time that someone wants or needs something
Have we got ADEQUATE food for 20 guests? It's not a big salary but it's ADEQUATE for our needs=> We must re-examine the ADEQUACY of our current security procedures=> Were you ADEQUATELY paid, or do you need more money?
Enough or satisfactory for a particular purpose
in a completely uncontrolled way (LITERARY)
allow yourself to be controlled completely by a feeling or way of living
At nursing college she specialized in MIDWIFERY. Improvements in MIDWIFERY have reduced death during childbirth. (MEDICAL)
the job of being a midwife (= someone who is trained to help women when they are giving birth)
a person, usually a woman, who is trained to help women when they are giving birth
a REVOLTING smell of rotting cabbage. Picking your nose is a REVOLTING habit/ I’ve never eaten such REVOLTING food!=> He grinned REVOLTINGLY. Some of the people were REVOLTINGLY overweight.
Extremely unpleasant/ Disgusting
The people REVOLTED AGAINST foreign rule and established their own government/ We were REVOLTED by the dirt and mess in her house=> Troops were called in to crush/put down the REVOLT. The army is IN REVOLT (AGAISNT its commanders).
Take violent action against authority, o t refuse t b controlled o ruled/Make SB feel unpleasantly shocked o disgusted=>An attempt t get rid f a government by S
We’re RESOLVED TO get together more often, He was RESOLVED TO ask her to marry him the next day.
Strongly determined (FML)
Feeling herself fall, she CLUTCHED AT a branch.
Try very hard to hold something
Just relax and GO WITH THE FLOW! (IFML)
do what other people are doing or to agree with other people because it is the easiest thing to do
I think we can GO WITH the advertising agency's suggestions, don't you? (IFML)
Accept an idea or agree with a person
CHIP=MICROCHIP=> More animals have been reclaimed because more owners are MICROCHIPPING their pets. So much heartache could have been avoided after Hurricane Katrina if people had had their dogs MICROCHIPPED.
The humble soya bean is a highly nutritious legume with a NUTTY texture/ Sometimes he sounds downright NUTTY/ She's got some NUTTY idea about setting up a school for cats.
Containing, tasting f, o similar t nuts/ Mentally ill (OFFENSIVE, IFML)/ Silly or strange (IFML)
used to tell someone that you will not do what they want you to do
This is my property - TAKE A HIKE! (US, IFML)
a rude way of telling someone to leave
STEP ASIDE, please - this lady needs a doctor. (FML)
Step sideways to make a space for someone else
Legislation is often written in LEGALESE that is barely comprehensible.
words and expressions typically used in legal documents that most people find difficult to understand
(FML) The two governments have agreed to ENGAGE IN a comprehensive dialogue to resolve the problem=> Once Mrs Kirkpatrick ENGAGES you IN CONVERSATION, you're stuck with her for half an hour.
Take part in something=> Start a conversation with someone (FML)
Investors have started to LIQUIDATE their mutual funds/ The only way for management to return value to shareholders in the short term is to liquidate the company and return the cash (LAW, FINANCE)=> LIQUIDATION
Sell ur investments o property t make em available in the form f money/If a business liquidates, it's closed so that its assets can b sold t pay its debt
These ridiculous rules and regulations should have been DONE AWAY WITH years ago. Computerization has enabled us to DO AWAY WITH a lot of paperwork/ (IFML) MURDER
Get rid of something or stop using something/ Murder someone
a shocking pink dress with white POLKA DOTS, A POLKA-DOT bikini/bow tie
one of a large number of small, round spots that are printed in a regular pattern on cloth
Daddy, if I go to bed now will you TUCK me IN? The children are safely TUCKED UP in bed.
Make someone comfortable in bed, especially a child, by arranging the covers around them
The collapse of the company was described as the greatest financial DEBACLE in US history.
a complete failure, especially because of bad planning and organization
a small house or apartment in a city that you own or rent in addition to your main home, where you stay when visiting that city for a short time
If you COME UP AGAINST difficulties, let me know and I'll help out.
Have to deal with a problem
a set of headphones, especially one with a microphone attached to it
He SLIPPED AWAY while we were all sleeping/ Time was SLIPPING AWAY and she had to make a decision soon/ Political power was really in their hands and they let it SLIP AWAY
Leave secretly/ If a period of time slips away, it passes quickly/ If SB's power o the possibility f SB winning o achieving ST slips away, it disappears
Tenants who fall behind in their rent risk being EVICTED. Landlords have the right to EVICT tenants FOR nonpayment of rent. The city EVICTED the store FROM its original location on Sixth Street to redevelop the area=> EVICTION
Force SB t leave somewhere, Force SB t move out of a property (LAW)
It's a good essay AS FAR AS IT GOES
used to say that something has good qualities but could be better
Ted was SLOBBERING OVER the pretty new assistant in marketing. (IFML)
Show how much you admire and like someone, in a way that shows little control
No one likes to have a dog SLOBBER ON them.
allow saliva or food to run out of the mouth=> Saliva or food that has run out of the mouth
imaginary quotation marks that u make in the air w ur fingers, t show that u r using a word o phrase in an unusual way or repeating exactly what sb has said
a building in which moving images of the sky at night are shown using a special machine
Are you in favour of the legalization of CANNABIS?
A drug, illegal in many countries, that is made frm the dried leaves & flowers f the hemp plant. Cannabis produces a pleasant feeling f being relaxed if smoked
They spent the evening getting STONED.
experiencing the effects of a drug, such as cannabis (SLANG)
I keep my socks in the bottom drawer of the DRESSER.
a piece of furniture with drawers, usually with a mirror on top, used esp. for keeping clothes in
a mixture of oil, mayonnaise (= a thick, cold, white sauce) and ketchup (= a thick cold red sauce) used to flavour salad
a pair of glass doors, usually opening from the back of a house into its garden