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Cell Transport Review

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which direction will the molecules move for Figure 3 in passive transport?
The molecules will move from the outside to the inside of the cell
Where is there a low concentration of molecules in Figure 3?
Inside the cell
What type of process is occurring in the figure below?
Which direction will the molecules move for Figure 2 in passive transport?
The molecules will move from the inside of the cell to the outside
Where is there a high concentration of molecules in the picture?
Inside the cell
What type of process is occurring in the pictures below?
What process occurs when water molecules move across a membrane from higher to lower concentration?
If molecules are moving from high concentration to low concentration, what kind of transport is it?
Passive Transport
The cell membrane is selectively permeable. What does selectively permeable mean?
Allows certain molecules in and out
What type of molecule transport requires NO energy?
Passive Transport
The structure that controls what goes in and out of both plant and animal cells is the-
Cell Membrane