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J6A MMT Revision

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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“I can help you” Ms. Hana
Ms. Hana said that she could help us.
“We go to school everyday” Win and Sandy
Win and Sandy said that they went to school everyday.
“I have 10 cats” Berry
Berry said that she had 10 cats.
“I like KFC” Ronald McDonald
Ronald McDonald said that he liked KFC.
“I write letters to president Obama” Mr Justin
Mr Justin said that he wrote letters to president Obama.
“I run 2 miles everyday” Henry
Henry said that he ran 2 miles everyday.
Which is the odd one out? Why? Run Pick Push Pull
Which is the odd one out? Why? Liquid Gas Solid Crater
Which is the odd one out? Why? Terrifying Rusty Geologist Weird
Which is the odd one out? Why? Lava Volcano Hot spring Terrifying
Aria _____ (hug) Candy after she ________ (give) her flowers.
Aria hugged Candy after she had given her flowers.
I can’t say this sentence, _______ ?
can I?
What are they?
Splodge / Badge / Wedge
After Tommy _______ (get) a better score, Henry ______ (attack) him.
After Tommy had gotten a better score, Henry attacked him.
The class is crazy, _______?
isn't it?
What are these?
hedge & bridge
Doraemon had _____ the book when he ______ at home.
read/finished - was
After he __________ dinner, he _______ to sleep.
had eaten / went
You will marry me, _______?
won't you?
I am Batman, _____________?
aren't I?