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Review seasons

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who is your P.E teacher?
Mr. Kristian
Who is your principle?
Who is your English Teacher?
Mr. Matthew
What you can eat in summer?
fruits, ice cream
I can wear gloves in...
Tell me your favorite season and what happen in there. I will give you 1 minute
Which season is the coldest?
Which season is the hottest?
What season when we can pick pumpkin?
What can we celebrate on winter season?
Christmas day
Tell me 5 of your friends name in this class! You have 30 secs
What happen to the tree on autumn/fall?
The leaves turn oranges, brown, red and gold.
What happen to the tree in winter?
It's bare. No leaves.
What is Ms. Lyna Full name?
Christina Carolyna Bakara
Trivia time. How many seasons in Indonesia?
two. Dry and rainy seasons
what you can do in summer?
Swimming, play in the water, build sandcastle
What you can do in spring?
Have a picnic, fly a kite, ride a bike
What you can do in autumn?
Rake dried leaves, play with the leaves
what we can do in winter?
Ski, sled, snowball fight, build snowman
What are the four seasons?
spring, summer, autumn, winter
What season is this?
What season is this?
What season is this?
What season is this?