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Traducción Coloquial

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name a linguistic feature of the colloquial language
Lack of planning. Informal style. Relevance of the communicative purpose.
Is the cognitive process of a normal translation the same as that of a colloquial translation?
That's right, it's the same for all translations c:
Who said "I just know that I don't know anything"?
Ah verdad, te la creíste, choose another number jsjsjs
What are the slang and context colloquialisms?
No lo sé, tú dime
What is a characteristic of a socio-geographical colloquialism?
Mmmmm, will that be correct?
What are cultural colloquialisms?
Do you think you got it right?
What is taken into account at the phonic level?
The pronunciation and intonation or melodic curve.
Name the three levels to analyze a colloquial language
Lexical, morphosyntactic and phonic.
Name a characteristic of the written register
Your answer will be judged by me!
Which one gives freedom of expression and creativity, spoken or written register?
Spoken register
Mention at least two components of colloquial vocabulary
Vulgarities, insults, obscenities and metaphors.