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Past Perfect

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Name one use of Past Perfect
1)Action finished before another past action. 2)How long to a point in the past.
What is your teacher's name?
Camila González
What is the pre-service teacher's name and last name?
Alessandra Perona
Change the following to the past perfect: Rodrick has a 17-year-old Golden Retriever.
"Rodrick had had a 17-year-old Golden retriever."
Change the following to the past perfect: Chile has grow extremely fast.
"Chile had grown extremely fast."
Change the following to the past perfect: We have already start to cook.
"We had already started to cook."
Change the following to the past perfect tense: I liked heavy metal music.
"I had liked heavy metal music."
Change the following to the past perfect: Have you ever been to Canada?
Had you ever been to Canada?
Put the following words in the correct order: hair his before Had pink been ?
"Had his hair been pink before?"
Change the following statement to a question: They had not finished the assignment.
"Had they not finished the assignment?"
Re-state the following sentence to include an adverb: (Always) We/have/be/friends.
"We had always been friends"
Put the following sentence into the past perfect tense: She (know) him for seven years.
"She had known him for seven years."