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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Describe somebody you know with some of the following adjectives: bright, conscientious, sarcastic, steady, straightforward, resourceful, self- sufficient.
bright - clever, self- sufficient -never needs anyone's help, conscientious - taking care to do things carefully and correctly,
Explain: My colleagues are very determined.
determined: decided to do something, nothin will stop them.
Correct or incorrect: When we got home from school that evening, our parents still worked.
incorrect (correct: were still working)
I'd hidden in the bushes for over an hour before I realized that everyone else had gone home.
incorrect (I'd been hidding)
Correct or incorrect??? Emily's grandparents would live in an old farmhouse in the heart of the countryside.
incorrect (correct lived/used to live)
Correct or incorrect??? When we were kids, our dad would give us a packed lunch and send us out to play for the day.
Correct or incorrect??? One day, our car used to break down in the fast lane of the motorway.
incorrect (correct: broke down)
Correct or incorrect??? Most days we rode our bikes to school, but sometimes we were catching the bus.
incorrect (correct: would catch/used to catch/caught)
Correct or incorrect??? My mum had been forgetting to turn off the oven, so there was a terrible smell of gas in the kitchen.
incorrect (correct: had forgotten)
Correct or incorrect???My brother climbed a tree when he slipped and fell.
incorrect (correct:My brother was climbing a tree when he slipped and fell.)
Connect the words to make collocations: leave, ladder, off, unpaid, career, clock,
career ladder, unpaid leave, clock off
Where is the stress in each of the words? curious, curiosity
What's the difference between: be out of work x be off work?
to be out of work = to be unemployed, to be off work = means be away because of illness or another reason
Explain the differences: get promoted x get a rise.
get promoted:to move someone to a higher rank or more senior job, get a rise: get an increase in salary
Complete the collocations sick/compassionate ................... , freelance/permanent ................
sick/compassionate leave, freelance/permanent contract
Mum's a soft touch. - explain.
A person that you can easily persuade to do something, especially to give you money.
Name 5 personality traits
straightforward, sympathetic, bright, conscientious, steady
Explain the meaning of the word: thorough.
doing things very carefully and with great attention to detail