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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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It´s important that your diet has . ......... ..............fat in it
Kevin wastes ......... .......... time playing computer games
too much
I really want to make .................pancakes for breakfast tomorrow. Do you have any flour?
The weather wasn´t very good, so I didn´t do ................skiing while I was in the mountains
Katy wants to surprise people . so only ..... ....... close friends know she is visiting next week
a few
We had ............ ............ snow this winter. On some days I couldn´t use my car
lots of
Do you want .................sugar with your tea?
The park was full today because a .......... .......... children were off school.
a lot of
My language classes are always full because s............... people in this town need English for their jobs
I ate so ........chocolate over the holidays, that now I´ve given it up completely
My nephew can walk already, but ......... (small amount)children can before they are one year old
We shouldn´t be given homework over the holidays, but ................teachers give a lot and it isn´t fair
some / many
I overslept this morning and only managed to do ................ exercise at the gym
a little