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Cellular Respiration
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What organisms do cellular respiration?
Heterotrophs and Autotrophs
Which part of aerobic respiration makes the most ATP?
Electron Transport Chain
Kreb's Cycle
Calvin Cycle
Which of the following is the first reaction in aerobic respiration?
Kreb's (Citric Acid) Cycle
Electron Transport Chain
Calvin Cycle
Energy is released from ATP when __.
the bond between the 2nd and 3rd phosphate is broken
The reactants of cellular respiration are (give two)
Glucose (C6H12O6) and Oxygen (O2)
Food is broken down into these units; cellular energy
Cellular respiration is an incremental process - what does that mean?
Energy is extracted in stages
Our body heat comes from this
Cellular respiration
Unit for measuring the amount of energy given off by a food product
Calories (kilocalories)
Aerobic means that it is a process that requires ...
What are the catalysts for cellular respiration?
How much ATP is made from one molecule of sugar? (Hint: it's a number)
approximately 36 ATP
What is the purpose of cellular respiration?
to release energy from food
Which cell organelle runs aerobic respiration?