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Because of and Due to

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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She won the competition because of / due to her excellent strategy in the match.
She won the competition due to her excellent strategy in the match.
The Company’s failure was due to / because of poor location.
The Company’s failure was due to poor location.
The Company failed due to / because of its financial crisis.
The Company failed because of its finacial crisis.
The event was canceled due to / because of the snow.
The event was canceled because of the snow.
The cancellation was because of / due to the rainstorm.
The cancellation was due to the rainstorm.
Because of / Due to the delay, meals will be provided for free to all passengers.
Due to the delay, meals will be provided for free to all passengers.
I need an umbrella because of / due to the rain.
I need an umbrella due to the rain.
She had a headache due to/because of the noise coming from upstairs.
She had a headache because of the noise coming from upstairs.
Her headache was because of/due to the noise coming from upstairs.
Her headache was due to the noise coming from upstairs.
The business’s failure was due to / because of poor location.
The business’s failure was due to poor location.
The business failed because of/due to its poor location.
The business failed because of its poor location.
The crash occurred because of/due to the erratic nature of the other driver.
The crash occurred because of the erratic nature of the other driver.
The crash was because of/due to the erratic nature of the other driver.
The crash was due to the erratic nature of the other driver.
Due to/Because of the effects of El Nino, the snowfall was heavy.
Due to the effects of El Nino, the snowfall was heavy.
The snowfall came because of/due to the effects of El Nino.
The snowfall came because of the effects of El Nino.
The heavy snowfall was because of/due to El Nino.
The heavy snowfall was due to El Nino.