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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are they? What colour are they?
They are mice. Brown, white, grey,
What's the difference between these cats?
One cat is fat. One cat is thin.
Wgat do you do in the evening?
Watch TV, play games, read books.
What do cildren do in summer?
Swim, fly kites, play a ball, ride a bike.
What do you do in winter?
I skate, ski, make snowmen, play snowbals.
Where is the cat and the dog?
The cat is on the table. The dog is by the table.
What do you do in the morning?
How many seasons are there in the year? What are they?
Four. Summer, Autumn, Winter,Spring.
Where are the toys?
They are on the shelf.
What's the difference between these shoes?
Brown shoes are old. White shoes are new.
What's the difference between the dogs?
One dog is strong, one dog is weak.
What are they? Do they fly?
They are geese.Yes, they do.
What do you see in autumn?
I see orange and yellow leaves.
Why do you think it's night?
It's night because it's dark. I see a moon and stars in the sky.
What's there in the classroom?
Desks, chairs, board, bookcase,clock, map.
How much is the hat?
It's eleven dollars.
What time is it?
It's eight o'clock.
What do you see in winter?
I see snow in winter.
How many colours are there in the rainbow? What are they?
There are seven colours in the rainbow.
How is the weather? What do you see in the sky?
It's sunny. I see a sun.
What's there on the table?
There are pencils, books and an apple on the table.
What is it? What colour is it?
It's a green frog.