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Rickshaws of Kolkata

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Is walking a safe activity in Kolkata?
No, it isn't. It's so dangerous to walk there.
Do the people of Kolkata still go by rickshaw nowadays?
Yes, they do.
What happens if the city bans rickshaws?
The rickshaw drivers won't have a job or income.
Why is pulling a rickshaw the only job rickshaw drivers can find in Kolkata?
Because they come from the rural areas and they have no qualifications.
Why do some politicians and local officials want to ban rickshaws?
Because they believe it's wrong for one man to pull another person when there is another modern transport in the city.
Who wants to ban rickshaws due to "humanitarian grounds"?
Some local officials and politicians
Are rickshaws useless in flooded roads during the monsoon season?
No, they aren't. Rickshaw drivers never stop working, even with water all around them.
How high is the water in the worst part of the city when the roads flood?
It can rise as high as people's waist.
How long does it sometimes rain without a break in Kolkata?
For 48 hours
Does Kolkata get heavy rainfall during the monsoon season?
Yes, it does.
When is the monsoon season in Kolkata?
From June to September
When can we see lots of people getting on and off rickshaws in Kolkata?
During the monsoon season
Why are rickshaws very popular with local shoppers?
Because they offer a very special kind of service, such as the driver takes the shoppers from their house to the market, wait and help them with their purchases
What kind of vehicle can be found when there are no buses or taxis in Kolkata?
A rickshaw can always be found.
What can rickshaws do when the traffic is bad?
They can find a way through the traffic.
Is rickshaw a symbol of Kolkata?
Yes. Many people think so.
What do the rickshaw drivers blow when they race towards pedestrians?
They blow their horns.
How can you go through the city in Kolkata?
Catch a train, take the underground or walk
What kinds of vehicles can be seen during the traffic jams in the early morning in Kolkata?
Private cars, public buses, taxis, three-wheeled scooters and pedicabs
When do the traffic jams and engine fumes begin in Kolkata?
Early in the morning
What is the population of Kolkata?
Nearly 15 million people
Where is Kolkata, the famous capital city of West Bengal?
In India
What is Kolkata previously known as?
Where are rickshaws often pulled by a person on foot?
In narrow streets of busy town centers
How many wheels does a rickshaw have?
It has two wooden wheels.