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Thanksgiving Quiz 5th Grade

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which Thanksgiving food would you like to try? Why?
What is this called? (the red thing next to it's beak)
A wattle
What are baby turkeys called? a. chicks b. squabs c. turkeylings d. kids
c. turkeylings (or pults!)
When was the first Thanksgiving? a. 1450 b. 2006 c. 1845 d. 1621
d. 1621
How many turkeys are prepared in America every year? a. 1 million b. 25 billion c. 46 million d. 30 thousand
c. 46 million
What day is Thanksgiving every year? (The ______, _______ of every November)
The 4th Thursday of every November
True or False: the Native Americans and Pilgrims were friends
Which Native American tribe was the first to meet the pilgrims?
Wampanoag Tribe
What food is this?
cranberry sauce
How many people are typically needed to hold one Thanksgiving float?
30 people
What day is Thanksgiving this year?
The 25th of November 2021
What Native American tribes were in Ellie and Gabrielle's home towns?
Nentego, and Shinnecock
What do people do on the day after Thanksgiving?
Go shopping! (Black Friday)
Who do we honor on Thanksgiving?
Native Americans
Name two kinds of pie that people eat on Thanksgiving.
Apple, pumpkin, pecan...
What are you thankful for?
What is Gabrielle's favorite football team?
The Baltimore Ravens
What sport is typically played on Thanksgiving?
What is the name of the parade that happens on Thanksgiving day?
Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade
What is this food?
mashed potatoes
What is this food?
What is this food?
What is this food?