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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where are the seashells ?
The seashells are on the sand.
The seashells are in the ocean.
The seashells are under the sand.
The seashells are under the ocean.
What color are your favourite clothes ?
My favourite clothes are ..........
What are your favourite clothes ?
My favourite clothes are ......
What clothes is he wearing?
He is wearing pants,T-shirt ,sneakers and a hat.
What colors are secondary colors ?
Orange,Purple and Green.
What colors are primary colors ?
Red ,Yellow and Blue
We can....... primary colors to make secondary colors.
The first letter of a sentence is a ............. letter.
Capital letter
There is a ........... at the end of a sentence.
Period (.)
What are you wearing today ?
I am wearing ......
What is he wearing?
He is wearing Jacket , Shorts , Hat and Sneakers.
What is he wearing ?
He is wearing pants, T-Shirt, and Sneakers.
Where is the elephant ?
The elephant is next to the chair.
The elephant is in the chair.
The elephant is under the chair.
The elephant is on the chair.
Where is the dog?
The dog is under the table.
The dog is on the table.
The dog is in the table.
The dog is next to the table.
Where is the Teddy Bear ?
Teddy Bear is on the table.
Teddy Bear is in the table.
Teddy Bear is under the table.
Teddy Bear is next to the table.
Where is the dog?
The dog is in the box
The dog is on the box
The dog is next to the box
The dog is under the box
What do you like to paint ?
I like to paint ........
What is this plant ?
It is seaweed.
Where does a jellyfish live ?
Jellyfish lives in the ocean.
Jellyfish lives at school.
Jellyfish lives in the garden.
Jellyfish lives on the beach.
What can you see in the picture?
I can see sand and a sandcastle.
What can you see in the Picture?
There are lots of seashells.
I can ....... blue paint and yellow paint.
A big picture on a wall is a ........
I can swim in the .........