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Chocolate comes from Africa.
False. It comes from America.
Curry is a dish with lots of spices.
Doughnuts come from Italy.
No, they don't. They come from the United States.
Croissants come from Switzerland.
No, they don't. They come from France.
Pizza is a traditional Italian dish.
Fish n' chips is a traditional Egyptian dish.
No, it isn't. It's British.
Tacos come from Canada.
No, they don't. They come from Mexico.
You don't need rice to make paella.
You need peas to make feijoada.
No, you don't. You need beans.
Spring rolls is an American dish.
No, it isn't. It's Asian.
You can't make crepes if you don't have eggs.
Sushi is made with raw fish.
You need minced meat to make moussaka.