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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Why was the grammatical approach popular in the XVIII century called "prescriptive"?
Because the aim was to fix the "correct" grammatical rules
What were Thomas Sheridan and John Walker famous for?
publishing dictionaries and grammar books with critical notes
What was the reason for "dictionary wars" between Noah Webster and Joseph Worcester?
plagiarism of Joseph Worcester
Who was the first to systematize the origin of words in a dictionary?
Nathan Bailey
Which mood of verbs lost all the endings in the Late Modern English?
In which dialect is omission of subjects in relative clauses popular?
Which grammatical approach became popular in the XIX century?
Classical scientific approach
Which accent of American English is considered to be the standard one?
General American
What led to the Civil War in the US?
Slave Trade
Where did the expression "Boston tea party" originate from?
1773 - protest of Americans against British taxation law (destroying tea of British)
Which historical event resulted in borrowing words from such languages as Hindi, Maori, etc.?
Colonization by the British Empire
Which effect did the first industrial revolution have on the society?
Growing standards of living, urbanization, increase in literacy rate
What were two main directions in the Enlightenment and their representatives?
Moderate (Rene Descartes, John Locke, Immanuel Kant) and radical (Benedict de Spinoza)
Which types of word-building have become popular in the Late Modern English period?
Contraction, reversion, blending
What did American revolution lead to, in regard to the development of the English language?
territorial segregation and dialectal differentiation
What were the first attempts to standardize English grammar?
1762 - Robert Lowth: "A Short Introduction to English Grammar"; 1761 - Joseph Priestley: "The Rudiments of English Grammar", etc.