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Blue Unit 4

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which would be more overwhelming to you--doing 10 loads of laundry or babysitting 10 kids? why
either one but give a reason
Name 2 mishaps that could happen while cooking thanksgiving dinner
burning turkey, dropping a pie
If your teacher assigned a 10page essay, would you feel overwhelmed or hazy?
Because the windshield was so fogged up, everything along the highway looked hazy. What word in the sentence means the same as hazy?
What might cause the sky to be hazy?
smoke, pollution
Tell about a time you deceived someone.
any story about lying or tricking someone
How might you deceive your teacher?
lie about your homework, chew gum under mask,
Name a luxurious car.
limo, mercedes
What foods might be considered luxurious?
steak, oysters,
Who would have a longer arm span, an adult or a toddler?
How long is the span of the school daY?
from 730-230
Would you want to emigrate to another country? Why or why not?
either answer but give a reason
Why might people emigrate from Mexico to the US?
to have a better life, to be with family, job opportunities
Who do people usually associate with Rick?
What do people typically associate with milk?
Cookies or cereal
When is being aggressive seen as a good thing?
sports, competitions,
Name 3 careers that require flexible hours.
doctors, lawyers, real-estate agents, atheletes
Would you want to linger at the garbage dump? Why or why not?
No, because it would smell and you would want to leave quickly
Are you more timid or aggressive? Why?
either but give a reason
Name 3 mishaps that could happen at school.
falling down the stairs, dropping your lunch tray, forgetting your homework