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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What did the women do when they first came to the New World?
wash clothes
What did the men do when they first came to the New World?
Then men went to look for where to settle.
Who was the 2nd governor of Plymouth colony?
William Bradford served as governor for 30 years.
Who was the first governor of the Plymouth colony?
John Carver
What is a colony?
a country under political control of a different country
What is the Mayflower Compact?
An agreement signed on November 11, 1620 that had the rules of the pilgrims new colony.
One baby was born while the pilgrims were traveling. What was his name?
How many women were on the Mayflower?
How many men were on the Mayflower?
How many children were on the Mayflower?
How many people were on the Mayflower when it set sail for the New World?
What ocean did the pilgrims travel on to reach the New World?
Who is Captain Miles Standish?
He was a soldier that was invited to join the pilgrims on their voyage to protect them.
Who were the puritans?
People who wanted to have a pure religion and choose how to worship God.
Where did the pilgrims go before they came to the New World?
What is the main reason pilgrims wanted to leave England?
They wanted religious freedom.
What does harvest mean?
It is the time of year when the crops are ripe and ready to be picked.
What was the other ship that set sail, but took on water?
What was the ship that arrived in the New World called?
Where did the ship land in the New World?
Plymouth, Massachusetts
What year did the Pilgrims sail to the New World?
How attended the First Thanksgiving?
The pilgrims and the Native Americans