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Reach Higher 5A-Unit 2- Part 2

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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something you depend on or need. My dog has to ________ on me for food.
Something that stops you from succeeding. A broken leg is an _________ to being able to run.
The power to do work. A student who is hyper has a lot of ________.
When something goes down or becomes less. The opposite of increase.
finding something different. Example: He must find an _______ place to live because his house is flooded.
the unit for measuring power. Example: The lightbulb was 100 ______.
These are used to the amount of energy stored in a battery. Example: The battery held 9 v_____s.
anything that comes from the sun. S______ power heats a house.
When you wrap or cover something so that the heat or cold will not get out, you are ____________ something. The _______________ in my house is bad because we are always cold.
this type of power comes from electricity. Anything that gets plugged in needs ___________________ power.
electrical power
The movement of electricity through a wire. Example: The electric c_____ helps my TV turn on.
When heat or electricity passes through something. Example: Copper wire is used to _______ electricity.
The path that electrical current flows through. Example: When electricity goes through the _____, the light bulb will turn on.