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magic links- unscramble - unit 3

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where - did - go - use to - he - weekends? - on - his - friends - with
Where did he use to go with his friends on weekends?
What - eat - breakfast? - for - use to - she - did
what did she use to eat for breakfast
How - they - did - call - you? - use to -
How did they use to call you?
like - I didn't - math and chemestry - use to - at school
i didn't use to like math and chemestry at school
People - listen - radios - used to - to - invention - before the - of - the television
people used to listent to radios before the invention of the television
Thais - use to - climb - didn't - trees - nor - a bike - ride - was - she - whe - a kid
Thais didn't use to climb trees nor ride a bike when she was a kid
Leonardo da Vinci - paint - famous - very - used to - works of art
Leonardo da Vinci used to pain very famous works of art
Jacob - use to - basketball - practice - at - school - fridays - on Did- ?
did jacob use to practice basketball at school on fridays?
used to - Carolina - animes - watch - morning - every - sister - with her -
Carlolina used to watch animes with her sister every morning
put - They - didn't - use to - toys - the - in the - wardrobe
they didn't use to put the toys in the wardrobe
study - Did - you - use to - another - in - city
did you use to study in another city?
use to - Did - you - wash - washing - machine - clothes - in the -
did you use to wash clothes in the washing machine?
didn't - I - share - use to - my -online - pictures
i didn't use to share my pictures online
Watch- I - used to - Dragonball Z - on tv - when - I - kid - was
I used to watch Dragonball Z on tv when I was a kid
go-used to- My- grandpa- school- on foot - to
my grandpa used to go to school on foot
vegetables - use to - eat - didn't - for - dinner - I
I didn't use to eat vegetables for dinner
We - toys,- play - used to - with - online. - not -
we used to play with toys, not online
used to- Super Nintendo - We- play - videogames - on a-
we used to play videogames on a super nintendo