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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who becomes good friends at the end of the story?
Martha ( the children's nurse) and Beale (the cook's cousin)
How many men go to the tower church and cave the children?
Three men: the vicar, the cook and the cook's cousin (Beale)
Who gets a gun ready?
The cook's cousin, Beale
Why do the children shout loudly from the top of the tower church?
They want the vicar to hear their voices and help them.
What is the colour of the sky?
the dark blue
How do the children get to the top of the tower church?
The children fly, they have white magic wings.
Who isn't afraid of anything? Who is a big, strong man?
The cook's cousin, Beale
Who is a short, thin man in this chapter?
the cook
Translate this phrase "Goodness!"
Боже мой!
Who helps and saves the children?
the vicar
What is the name of Chapter Five?
The Lunatic