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Greek World Review

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What city was a symbol of the new Hellenistic civilization?
Alexandria, Egypt
Alexander's generals divided the Empire into different kingdoms after his death. They are called _________.
The Hellenistic Kingdoms
This man unified the Greek poleis and confronted the Persian Empire. In 10 years he gained control of the Persian empire and reached India.
Alexander the Great
What characterized life for a woman?
They had a male guardian all their lives, spent most of the time at home, and only left when accompanied and to attend religious events.
What is this woman wearing?
Define sewers
Channels to take waste matter away in a city.
Where is the Persian empire?
Extends from Asia to North Africa
What began the Greco-Persian Wars?
The Persians coming east to conquer the Greek Poleis.
When did Athens become a democracy?
The 5th Century BCE
Who is considered a citizen in the Greek world?
Free adult men with a father who was a citizen and an Athenian mother.
What is the Boule?
It's made up of 500 citizens chosen at random. They made laws and oversaw the magistrates.
What is the Ecclesia (Assembly)?
Assembly of 400 citizens that voted on laws, war, and ostracism.
How did peoples lives in the colonies change with Greek contact?
The Greeks introduced the potter's wheel, ironworking, currency, writing, the cultivation of olives and vineyards.
Define metropolis
City of origin
Why did Greeks begin to establish colonies?
The scarcity of land and poor living conditions of peasants.
Define scarcity
Very little, not enough. Lacking
New form of government that gave more power to the citizens.
Who are hoplites?
Citizen-soldiers in Athens who helped defend the city and demanded a say in government.
This polis never changed their form of government.
What are the two parts of the poleis?
Upper part (Acropolis), Lower part (Agora)
Greek civilization developed on the _____ Peninsula and _______ Sea.
Balkan, Aegean
Most poleis changed their form of government from ________ to ________.
Oligarchy to Democracy
What is this
Which groups migrated to Greece?
Achaeans (Mycenaeans) and Dorians
The Achaeans were also called what?
Greek religion was __________. (Monotheistic or Polytheistic)
What characteristics did all Greeks share?
Culture (language and religion)
What were the city-states called?
What did Acient Greeks work in ?
Agriculture, livestock farming, fishing, trading