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10IELTS_Reading_Matching Headings

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are the KEY WORDS you should underline in each heading?
Adjectives, adverbs, verbs and nouns! If a heading contains names, numbers, dates or place names, you should underline them.
"Some headings will be very similar in meaning." True or False?
TRUE! There are some distractors. You should try to find out the subtle difference among them and select the best suit for your paragraph.
Don't try to match exact words in the headings and the paragraphs. Instead, always stay aware of _____ and paraphrases.
SYNONYMS! Examiners want to test your vocabulary skill.
You should work through the paragraphs in _____ but move on if you’re struggling to find the heading match.
READ THEM IN ORDER! Come back to the one you struggle once you've eliminated more headings and have fewer options to choose from.
"Some paragraphs don’t have a topic sentence." True or False?
TRUE! In this case, you should read the whole paragraph thoroughly and try to summarize it yourself.
Where can you usually find the topic sentence of a paragraph?
Topic sentence is often the FIRST or LAST sentence of a paragraph. 
"You don't need to understand all details of a paragraph to do this task". True or False?
TRUE! It will take you too much time to read all details. Instead, try to find the topic sentence which summarises the main idea of the paragraph.
"The number of headings is the same as the number of paragraphs in the passage." True of False?
FALSE! There are more headings than paragraphs – this makes it harder to narrow down the correct ones.
Can we use a heading for more than one paragraph?
NO! One heading goes with one paragraph only. You should eliminate it from further consideration as you move onto other paragraphs.
"You should read the paragraphs as FAST as you can" Is this good advice for this task?
NO! Don't read too fast, or else you may end up understanding nothing, which turns out to be a complete waste of time.