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Nutrition 3rd of Primaria

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The most important meal of the day
AVOID eating too many
Fats and sugar
How many times a day should you eat?
Five times (breakfast, lunch, dinner, and a piece of fruit or yogurt)
the practice of following good habits of personal care and keeping clean
When you don't receive sufficient nutrients
How often do you eat fats and sugar?
In SMALL amounts
How often do you eat proteins?
Several times a week
How often do you eat carbohydrates?
Every day
How often do you eat vitamins and minerals?
Every Day
A diet in which you avoid simple sugars
Diabetes diet
On this diet, you must avoid fat and sugar
Low-cholesterol diet
A fatty substance we find in the blood
A good way to burn calories
Physical exercise
When you must decrease your food intake
low-calorie diet
When you increase your food intake
high-calorie diet
A product that has no gluten
People who are in tolerant to gluten
A protein in wheat
Consumers check if the product contains substances they are intolerant to
Information about the nutrients in a product
Nutrition facts
Best-before date
The product changes, but consuming it does not present a risk
Food needs to be stored according to specific instructions
Storage instructions
After this date you cannot eat the product
Expiry Date