Edit Game
Unit 3

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Lose touch
stop communicating
I ___________(visit) my friend in Sicily sometime this year, but I’m not sure when.
will visit
If you tell me your secret, I promise I ___________ (tell) anyone!
What shall I do today? I think I ____________ (go) to the beach while the sun is out!
will go
My plane ___________ ( land)at Manchester airport at 8pm tomorrow evening.
This beach looks amazing! I think we ___________(love) this place!
will love
I’m not sure where we __________(go) for our holiday later this year, because we still haven´t booked anything yet.
will go
Be as good as gold
behave nicely
Think ahead
Wear your hear on your sleeve
be open
know your stuff
быть экспертом
My friend... before Christmas (come)
will have come
golden opportunity
ценная возможность
have a heart of gold
доброе сердце
You don’t need to make dinner. When I get home, I will … . (eat)
will have eaten
Will you … (complete) the work by Friday?
will have completed
By the time you get home, I_________(make) dinner.
will have done
I__________(see) my sister in April. We fixed our meeting.
am going to see
The English lesson __________(start) at 8:45.
Wait! I see you have heavy bags. I ________(drive) you to the station.
will drive
They __________ (fly)to London on Friday evening at 8:15.
are flying / are going to fly
On Sunday at 8 o'clock I _______(meet) my friend.
am meeting
My ski instructor believes it __________ (snow) in the mountains tomorrow evening.
will snow
We __________(have) dinner at a nice restaurant on Saturday, but we have booked a table already.
are going to have
The train _______ at 11:45. leave