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Present Perfect or Past Simple?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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______ you ________ (talk) to Brian yet?
have you talked
We ___________ already __________ (finish) lessons today,
have finished
I __________(lie) in the sun for a long time yesterday.
When _________( you/ break) your leg?
did you break
Ouch! I _________(hurt) my knee. It's bleeding.
have hurt
_________(the Chinese/invent) gunpowder?
Did the Chinese invent
How many lessons ________(you/have) today?
have you had
Mr Clark ________(already/work) in a bank for 15 years.
has already worked
When I was in the shopping centre I _______(lose) my wallet.
I can't find the key. I think I _________(lose) it.
have lost
Mary is not here. She _________(go) shopping with her husband.
has gone
Your car looks very clean. ____________(you/wash) it?
have you washed
George _______(not+be)very well last week. So he _________(not+be) at school since last Monday.
was not, hasn't been
It __________(rain) for many days. I wonder when it will stop raining.
has rained
My grandpa __________(work) for this company for more than 30 years before he __________(retire).
worked, retired
When we _________(be) on holiday in Greece, it _________(not+rain) at all.
were, didn't rain
How many matches __________(our football team/lose) so far this season?
has our football team lost
Who _________(write) "Hamlet"?
Last night my sister and I _________(have) some free time, so we__________(go) to the cinema.
had, went
What _________(you/learn) since you came here?
have you learned