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Where Does Our Energy Come From?

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What happens when too much or too little power is sent from the power plant?
A blackout
Electricity generated at power plants travel to our homes through ____ ____.
electric or power lines
In a power plant, when steam powers a turbine, this is ____ energy converting or changing into mechanical energy.
In the generator of a power plant, _____ energy converts or changes to electrical energy.
In a power plant, steam powers a _____.
turbine to generate electricity
Power plants use sources of energy like coal to heat water and produce _____.
Give one example of a finite source of energy that we use to generate electricity.
coal, natural gas
Give one example of an unlimited source of energy that could be used to generate electricity.
wind, sun, water
What is the FIRST step in making electricity?
Harvest the natural resource from Earth to generate power.
Name one natural resource that is used to make electricity at a power plant.
coal, natural gas, water, wind
What is the SOURCE of the energy we use? (where does it come from at the very beginning??)
Earth - natural resources
True/False - It takes only one person to turn on a light bulb.
FALSE - many people are involved in generating electricity so the light bulb will turn on.